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Polacy na świecie

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Polacy na świecie

Migration is currently a hot topic that arouses a lot of controversy, is not nothing new, not only the world, but also in Poland. The area of ​​Polish immigrants coming centuries, but many more are still talking about Poles traveling abroad, which also is not a new phenomenon. The beginnings of emigration can be traced back to as early as the eighteenth century, when the main motive for leaving the country were political problems. Poles began to form clusters in the UK, France and Germany and the United States. Significantly contributed to this Polish partitions, and then the first and second world war, when it went not only to emigrate, but also forced resettlement and deportation. After the Second World War many returned to the country, but many people have decided to remain outside its borders. In the PRL process exile it was difficult, but he still had a place. As a result of all these activities outside the Polish finally we found a few million Poles.



It would seem that the relative stabilization of the political situation, this number would go down, but it was so. In 2015 in the other countries of the world remained 2 million 397 thousand Poles, however, we must remember that these are the only people who still identify with the Polish and claim that going abroad is only temporary. This number does not include people of Polish origin.



Emigration consists of many factors, some directs the desire to know other cultures and explore the world, but the most common reason is lack of life and the possibility of obtaining them. Poland is still feeling the effects of World War II and Communism and it will take many years before the labor market on his feet. At the moment, most of the emigrants admits that in Poland were not able to find a job that would provide them a comfortable life, not only existence. The Central Statistical Office does not anticipate that this trend will change in the coming years.


In 2015 there were many Poles in the UK – as many as 720,000 people. Closely followed by Germany with 655 thousand. Poles, and the third – the Netherlands (112,000). Interestingly, our people often decide to leave, even though they do not know the target language. A significant therefore seems to be the fact that most often they manage to find a decent job allows to remain abroad, and sometimes even buying a car or house. Contrary to what may seem, however, Poles are the largest minority in the United Kingdom, outdo us emigrants from India. Status 'largest minority’ wear Poles in Germany, Iceland and Norway.


On the internet you can find many stories of people who have decided to go abroad and they give the best picture of the Polish emigration. At the age of 26 Michał Czuchryta he went to the UK, now lives with his wife and children in West Ealing. He admits that in Poland had trouble finding a well-paid job in England is engaged in the steering bar. During those 10 years he managed to not only make a life, but also earn some extra money. Although for many years does not live in Poland, still maintains contact with the family, who remained in their homeland. He does not hide that sends parents using money from online bank transfers , because otherwise it would be difficult for them to maintain. Stay abroad gave him stabilization, which could not count in Poland.


Living in Denmark Joanna Winkel willingly talks about his exile , because she does not like it, as the Polish emigrants are also displayed in the media. It does not negate the fact that many people with higher education working physically, but proves – even each other, that this is not the only way. She works in the office, and on the Polish left mainly because of the ruling groups in politics and work ethic and management. She did not feel appreciated as an employee and had no influence on anything. Do you intend to come back? No. It is believed that before the Polish still a long way to equality, respect and peace, which usually prevail in Denmark.


A recent example is a UK resident Pole , which included a letter on the Internet gained immense popularity. It sheds interesting light on Poland. He noted that work has already started in college and complained about earnings. They were not the highest, but not the lowest. However, after graduation he realized what really awaits him. Most employers avoid labor contracts, making hard for peace of mind and stability, but the author of the letter, he realized that even paying social insurance will not be able to count on a decent pension. The man believes that Poland is hurting its people by taking them to a large part of the salary, in return offering nothing and not showing them respect. His assessment, although fierce, seems to have a base. Just look back at the numbers cited above – if the situation was better, far fewer people would decide to emigrate.



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