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Atak na Polskę i EU ze strony Williama Hayes,anglika,mieszkającego w Argentynie.Obarcza Polakow winą za 2 wojnę swiatową.Moja osobista odpwiedż,jednak po polsku,aby respektowac polski portal.BSE w Argentynie?


Szanowny Panie William Hayes,

Polska ma najmniejsze dotacje w
EU na rolnictwo.Za to Wielka Brytania,
Niemcy,Francja najwieksze,dzieki
ktorym sa konkurencją
dla Argentyny.Dla Pana.

Pan atakuje mieszkancow Polski,
pochodzenia hebrejskiego
czyli nie tylko zydowska
diaspore w Polsce ale i Izrael,
ktory rowniez ma dotacje.

Pan obciaza wina Polakow
ale i hebrejczykow w Polsce(tych
biednych,ktorzy nie mogli
przed Hitlerem uciekac do Palestyny)
wina za 2 wojne swiatowa.
Pana krwawa zemsta dobiega konca.

Pan obraza mieszkancow Wielkiej Brytanii,
ktorym nie wolno bylo na rozkaz
angielskich politykow,na poczatku
2 wojny swiatowej,walczyc z Hitlerem.

Pan falszuje historie,obraza Zydow,Polakow,Anglikow
ale i europejczykow w Argentynie,ktora
bez pomocy Europy i USA nie miala by
szans na rozwoj.O wojnie pomiedzy
Argentyna i Wielka Brytania nie wspominam.

Przykro mi ze z powodu BSE
pan zachorowal.Proponuje Panu
leczenie w Niemczech gdyz na operacje
Pana nie stac.Zapraszam.

Informacje dla Pana:

Dla mojego Blogu:


The letter from The Ambassador of the Republic of Poland In Buenos Aires Argentina

 I  am asking you to immediately remove online and wherever else it may appear articles dated on 29 and 30 November 2012 published on your website: 

 They contain obvious lies published with aim to slander Polish Nation that was so cruelly treated by Nazi during the Second World War. In front of infinity of historic lies and stupidity presented there all I can add is to suggest you the lecture of generally available history books regarding the XX century. 

Jacek Bazanski,Ambassador of the Republic of Poland In Buenos Aires ,


30 November 2012-11-30


Odpowiedz na list Ambasadora.

30 November 2012

My Dear Ambassador,

First and foremost I am an Englishman and my father was one of the tens of thousands that came to your rescue in 1939, as a Royal Marine Commando from 1939 to 1946.

 Four miles from my home in Devon we had a displaced persons camp for 1500 Poles who were between a rock and a hard place and terrified to go home, so we settled 228,000 of them in England.

 Click here – Polish Resettlement Act 1947 – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia…/Polish_Resettlement_Act_19…   – Traducir esta página

By July 1945 228,000 troops of the Polish Armed Forces in the West were … who had popular appeal in the UK, and tried to persuade Poles in the UK to leave. Most… of the Polish Resettlement Corps, later settled in London, many recruited as …

 The laws passed by your parliment on Tues of this week were ant i – Semitism

( antisemitism means prejudice against or hatred of Jews ) at its worse hidden behind the pretext on animal rights.

As for the ban on Halal you are sucking up to your American friends and  this is   Islamophobia ( an irrational fear or prejudice towards Islam and Muslims )  at its most disgusting.

 My mother is Jewish, therefore I am Jewish and your people allowed 3 million Jews to be marched to the gas chambers and yes you were a nation of collaborators. While you continue to blame the Germans, lets look at last Tuesday.

You are now a democracy in and in a Democracy you get the government you deserve, therefore you are culpable for the actions of your government in banning Kosher and Halal slaughter this week.

Now we come to the tone of your letter which reads more like an order or some kind of diplomatic command. While I realise you were poodles to the Kremlin for many years, good manners costs nothing.

I have no intention of re-writing history for you or anyone else and remind you, that we are paying you €11 billion a year out of the EU farm fund. How bloody dare your government make a ruling that goes in opposition to the European Union’s mandate that allows ritual slaughter out of religious freedom.

The last time both dhabiha and shechita slaughter methods were banned was when Hitler outlawed them while Poland was under Nazi occupation during World War II.

I rest my case

William Hayes

Buenos Aires

30 November 2012 .Zrodlo:


Lipski Marek


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