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The American Congress refused to proceed with SOPA and PIPA. Nor is it going to ratify ACTA. Nevertheless the Administration goes on putting pressure on the other States to introduce ACTA all over the world.
We are not going to allow to limit the freedom in the colonies (as some of the Americans treat the rest of the globe) while the Americans themselves are still free in this domain.
Let us fight for our freedom.
If the White House proceeds promoting ACTA, the KNP proposes to begin a trade boycott of the American goods.
Therefore we herein found the International Committee for Freedom of Operating with Information. The purpose of the ICFOI is to limit the protection of patents and the authors’ rights to a sensible extent. To achieve this goal we will propagate the idea of boycotting the American goods, also to a sensible extent.
The details will be established and promoted in the world by volunteers. All organizations
determined to help us are asked to subscribe  via e-mail:

(chwilowo prosimy JESZCZE się nie wpisywać)


Janusz Korwin-Mikke

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