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How was it possible ?

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2 minut czytania

In answer to Debbie Schlussel.
Initially I wanted to put it as a comment under her post. Now I will put it but as a link to this post.


You can find it here:

A related NE post is here:,amerykanska-publicystka-polacy-wymordowali-miliony-zydow

There is a strange silence about Jewish collaborators working for nazi during WW2. May be it was a little percentage of Jewish population (in Poland). However they did their awful work.

Jewish Police was resposible for maintaining order in Ghetto. As well as gathering victims to be sent to Auschwitz.
There were Jewisch troops organized by gestapo to hunt for another Jews as well provoking Poles to help them as Jews escaped from the Ghetto. Thousand of Poles were sentenced to death by Germans for this reason.

Many of those rascals survived the Holocaust. Hating Poles who treated them as traitors. No doubt they have a motivation to defame Poland and Poles.

I dare think that family members of Debbie Schlussel were among them. It makes all clear.

A more question: what about these traitors after WW2. Many of them were recruited by soviet "security" NKVD.
Besides an act of law by Knesset (in fifties) gave them an amnesty. (!!!) It is something I can hardly understand. May be one could explain it to me: why ?

Growing up in Warsaw I met a lot of people who remembered the war and nazi/German occupation. Among them there were reminiscences related to Jews and Ghetto. The level of atrocity presented by Jüdischer Ordnungsdienst horrified even Germans.

(Poles hanged by Germans for the reason, they provided help to Jews, under German occupation 1943)

(Nazi German’s medal for Jewish traitors)

(Jewish Police – Jüdischer Ordnungsdienst )

(Jewish armed troops serving for German’s GESTAPO.  see also: Gancwajch, Żagiew …)



Announcement by the Chief of SS and Police 5.09.1942—Death penalty for Poles for any help to Jews.




Apentula niewdziosek, te bedy gruwasne W koc turmiela weprzachnie, kostra bajte spoczy, Oproszedly znimeci, wyswirle uwzroczy, A korsliwe porsacze dogremnie wyczkasnie!

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